Market LOHAS Tracker is a leading online survey research panel of ‘real’ health and eco shoppers like you who have opted-in to LOHAS Tracker panel and are willing to share their opinions and insight about natural, organic products and eco living.
Market LOHAS consumer surveys provide leading edge health/natural and eco-marketers with actionable cost-effective research solutions for new and established brands including: brand identity and usage, product concept testing, packaging and label design, pricing, retail distribution, market intelligence and more!
Thanks to our valued LOHAS Trackers! ‘Real’
Healthy Natural Foodies & Eco Consumers Speak:
I like to eat and use natural products and like to share my opinions.
We eat almost exclusively organic and "Whole Foods." :)
I am especially interested in gluten-free and dairy-free natural and organic products.
I'm interested in participating in surveys to help healthy eating